Parenting Myth Podcast - Parenting is About the Child

I was invited by my beautiful friend and fellow certified Conscious Parenting Coach, Amy Breeze Cooper, to speak on her Soul Path Parenting Podcast about one of Dr. Shefali's Parenting Myths that she outlines in her book The Awakened Family.

One of the most powerful questions every parent can (must!) ask themselves is "WHY did I become a parent?" When you have the willingness to look within and HONESTLY answer this question, it will totally transform your perspective on parenting and yourself.

Find out how parenting is NOT about the child but rather about the PARENT!! Wait, WHAAAT??!

Yes! That's right!

This myth is my favourite myth because it was a game changer for me when I was able to understand it and break it down. My relationship with my children, especially my eldest, completely shifted.

I also share how, as a recovering perfectionist who thought singing was the scariest thing in the world, my daughter showed me that in order to finally speak my truth I needed to learn how to sing it too! You will learn how my daughter opened me up to a new world of creative and authentic expression and how I meet her need for connection by dancing with her on TikTok!


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